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FAQs about Specialty Contact Lens Fitting

Specialty contacts are a breakthrough in vision correction technology, offering a lifeline to those with keratoconus, severe astigmatism, post-surgical eyes, and other complex eye conditions. They provide comfort, clarity of vision, and a chance for many to experience normal vision, something they may have thought was not possible.

What Is A Specialty Contact Lens Fitting?

The process of specialty contact lens fitting is a tad more complex than fitting regular contact lenses. These lenses are custom-designed to fit the unique shape and needs of your eyes. The fitting process involves precise measurements of your eyes, including the curvature, diameter, and surface of your corneas.

The goal of this fitting process is to ensure your comfort and maximize your vision potential. The fit is crucial because an ill-fitting lens can cause discomfort, sub-optimal vision, and even damage to the eye. It’s this fitting process that sets specialty lenses apart from regular contact lenses.

Specialty contact lens fitting is usually done by an optometrist or ophthalmologist who specializes in these types of lenses. The process may take longer than standard lens fitting, and it may require multiple visits to your eye doctor.

The Importance Of A Proper Contact Lens Fitting

A proper fit for your specialty contacts is not just about comfort; it’s about the health of your eyes. An improperly fitted lens can cause corneal abrasions, eye infections, and even vision loss.

Your eye is a delicate organ, and the surface of your eye is covered by a thin layer of tears. An ill-fitting contact lens can disrupt this tear layer, leading to dryness, discomfort, and even damage to the eye’s surface.

On the flip side, a well-fitted specialty contact lens can dramatically improve your quality of life. It can provide you with clear, comfortable vision, often superior to what you’d experience with glasses or regular contact lenses.

FAQs About Specialty Contact Lens Fitting

Since specialty contacts are not as commonly used as standard contacts, there are several questions that people often have about them. Here are some of the most frequently asked ones:

 Q: How long does the specialty contact lens fitting process take?

A: The process varies depending on your eye condition. It can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, with multiple visits to your eye care professional.

Q: Are specialty contact lenses comfortable?

A: Yes, when properly fitted, they should be comfortable. In fact, many people find them more comfortable than regular contacts, especially those with severe astigmatism or irregular corneas.

Q: Can I wear specialty contact lenses all day?

A: This depends on your eye condition and the type of lens. Some lenses are designed to be worn all day, while others are designed for overnight wear. Your eye doctor will guide you based on your specific needs.

Types Of Specialty Contact Lenses

There are several types of specialty contacts available, each designed to address specific eye conditions. Here are a few:

  • Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) Lenses: These lenses are durable, maintain their shape on the eye, and offer excellent vision quality. They are often used for conditions like keratoconus, high astigmatism, or after eye surgery.
  • Scleral Lenses: These lenses vault over the cornea and rest on the white part of the eye (the sclera). They provide excellent comfort and vision for conditions like severe dry eye, keratoconus, and after some eye surgeries.
  • Hybrid Lenses: These lenses have a rigid center and a soft periphery, offering a blend of the vision quality of RGPs and the comfort of soft lenses.
  • Multifocal Lenses: These are for people with presbyopia who also have other complex eye conditions.

Begin Your Journey Towards Clear Vision With Specialty Contacts Today

Specialty contacts are a game-changer for many people with complex vision needs. While the process of fitting these lenses is more involved than regular contacts, the results can be life-changing. A well-fitted specialty contact lens can offer you clear, comfortable vision, and an improved quality of life.

If you have been struggling with your vision, and regular glasses or contacts aren’t helping, it might be time to consider specialty contacts. Just remember, a proper fitting from an experienced eye doctor is crucial. Take the first step towards better vision today!

For more information on specialty contact lenses or to determine if they are right for you, consult with our doctor at Advanced EyeCare at our office in Plymouth, Wisconsin. Our compassionate team is committed to providing exceptional care and services for you and your family. Please call or text (920) 893-8474 to schedule an appointment today.


Written by Advanced EyeCare and Aesthetics

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