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SmoothGlo vs. Traditional Skin Treatments

As consumers seek new ways to address signs of aging, skin specialists are constantly developing new solutions. SmoothGlo™ is an innovative treatment that addresses multiple skin issues in one session. The sequential treatment helps to deliver glowing, smooth skin naturally. The advanced technology provides immediate results with minimal discomfort.


SmoothGlo Skin Treatment

SmoothGlo treatment combines two proven technologies to produce the desired results. Incorporating the benefits of StellarM22™IPL with Legend Pro™ VoluDerm™ enhances skin texture, tone, and volume. The advanced sequential treatment sets a new bar for aesthetic results.

The first part of the treatment uses StellarM22™IPL to remove lesions, improve the overall skin tone, and increase water content. The second part uses RF microneedling. It exposes the elevated moisture to an electrical charge, improving the skin’s volume, texture, and contour.

SmoothGlo Vs. Traditional Treatments

Many traditional skin treatments target a single skin issue and are not suitable for all skin types. Many are painful and invasive, and they often require downtime. The painless SmoothGlo skin treatment is effective and gentle enough, even on sensitive skin.

The procedure combines the benefits of IPL and microneedling to give users beautiful skin with no downtime. Nonsurgical treatment can help treat acne scars and hyperpigmentation. It can also treat skin laxity, wrinkles, and fine lines. Improving the skin volume, texture, and tone helps to take years off the appearance.

What SmoothGlo Addresses

Unlike most traditional skin treatments that address one or two issues, SmoothGlo can treat multiple skin concerns. Skin specialists use advanced treatments to reduce fine lines. It also reduces wrinkles and excess pigmentation or age spots.

It can also help to address sagging or loss of skin laxity and correct dull or uneven skin texture. It reduces visible signs of aging. Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatment targets specific skin areas. The light energy penetrates and is absorbed by pigment cells. Microneedling stimulates collagen production.

Benefits Of SmoothGlo

SmoothGlo can help you achieve a youthful skin appearance. It does this without injections, surgery, or other invasive techniques. There are several benefits of the revolutionary treatment:

  • It helps to enhance skin texture.
  • It tightens the skin.
  • It helps to brighten the skin tone.
  • It reduces wrinkles and fine lines.
  • It minimizes pore size.
  • It does not require long recovery or downtime.
  • It is safe for all skin colors and types.

SmoothGlo produces results that can be seen and felt immediately after the session.

SmoothGlo Results

The treatment takes about 30 minutes. You may experience slight swelling and redness immediately after treatment, but this will resolve in a few hours. Most clients notice improvements immediately after the first session. Full results manifest after several weeks.

Stimulating collagen production helps to generate new skin cells over time. You will require multiple treatments to achieve the desired results. If you want a non-invasive way to improve your skin complexion, talk to a specialist about SmoothGlo. The treatment results are natural-looking and long-lasting. A skin specialist will let you know the number of treatments you need depending on your skin condition and goals.

For more on SmoothGlo vs. traditional skin treatments, visit Advanced EyeCare. Our office is in Plymouth, Wisconsin. Call (920) 893-8474 to book an appointment today.


Written by Advanced EyeCare and Aesthetics

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